
What it Means to be a Son or Daughter and Not a Servant, An Intro to Servanthood and Sonship

Sermon 07  July 23rd, 2017 OVERCOMING THE POWER OF SIN PART 4: What it Means to be a Son or Daughter and Not a Servant, An Intro to Servanthood and Sonship. Click here to Listen
Scripture Reading: John 8:31-47 & Galatians 4:1-9
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Fighting for Faith that Leads to Transformation. No Longer Under the Domain of Darkness but Raised to New Life in Christ, Placed in the Kingdom of Light, Equipped and Trained with the Authority of Christ.

SERMON 06 July 16th, 2017 OVERCOMING THE POWER OF SIN PART 3: Fighting for Faith that Leads to Transformation. No Longer Under the Domain of Darkness but Raised to New Life in Christ, Placed in the Kingdom of Light, Equipped and Trained with the Authority of Christ.  Click here to Listen
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:19-2:10, Romans 6:1-23, Collosians 1
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Re-defining Sin as that Which Separates us from God, our Busyness, our Work, our obligations. Is He Really First in Our Lives, First in All That We Do?

SERMON 05 OVERCOMING THE POWER OF SIN PART 2 July 9th, 2017: Re-defining Sin as that Which Separates us from God, our Busyness, our Work, our obligations. Is He Really First in Our Lives, First in All That We Do? Click Here To Listen

A Look at Romans, Overcoming the Power of Sin: Jesus Sacrificed His Life on Your Behalf, Whats Your Response?

A Look at Romans, Overcoming the Power of Sin: Jesus Sacrificed His Life on Your Behalf, Whats Your Response? Click Here To Listen To the Message

Scriptures: Genesis 22:1-14; 15:4-10 ; Romans 6:12-23 ; Hebrews 11:8-12; 17-19

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